Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Being Made to Minister

The making of a minister, portrayed by the Biblical, historical and present testimonies of all who have legitimately responded to the call, is a painful, terrible, yet wonderful process. Being made is the process of our flesh being crucified, the painful throws of our impending death. Such is necessary to grow in abundant life. The abundant life is a prerequisite for inheriting the necessary empowerment and direction God provides those whom he has called according to his purpose.

Below is a poem by an unknown author, quoted by Ravi Zacharias as well as Ryan in past sermons.

When God wants to drill a man, and thrill a man, and skill a man;
when God wants to mold a man to play the noblest part,
when He yearns with all His heart to create so great and bold a man
that all the world might be amazed,watch His methods, watch His ways.

How He ruthlessly perfects whom He royally elects.
How He hammers and hurts him and with mighty blows converts him,
into trial shapes of clay that only God understands,
while his tortured heart is crying and he lifts beseeching hands.

How He bends but never breaks, when His good He undertakes.
How He uses whom He chooses and with every purpose fuses him
with mighty acts induces him to try His splendor out.
God knows what He’s about.

When God wants to drill a man, and thrill a man, and skill a man,
watch His methods, watch His ways.

Being a follower of Christ means accepting the call to be a minister. Accepting the call promises difficulty and pain, reasons why few respond to the call. Nevertheless, the call to ministry is the call of a believer, and is the only way that leads to the kingdom of God.

Matthew 7:13-14 13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

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